


This is our family's journey- the story of our daughter's fight with cancer. Along the way, we will have some tears, lots of love, and even more prayers going up to heaven. We know that our Heavenly Father is aware of us. We know that he will help us fight, fill our hearts with peace, and send angels to give us aid. We send praise to HIM. Join us in this battle. This battle of courage, determination, and most of all faith in God that all is well and will be well.
This is where I will record my feelings- raw, real, and unfiltered. Welcome all.
Follow us on Facebook for quick updates- find us at OUR WARRIOR PRINCESS group page. Click the join button and we will add you!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Midnight Adventures.

Midnight vitals are usually a pretty, quick and easy thing.
We have it down to a science.
Last night or early this morning really, the nurse didn't make it in until 1 am.
I was already in bed,
Evalette was out,
fed and full.
I heard the nurse slip in as I slipped in and out of sleep.
I am not sure how much later,
but I awoke to a blood curtailing scream.
I just knew Evalette was dying...
at least it sounded like it!
I jumped up and ran over to her bed,
scrambling as my eyes adjusted to the dark.
Then I saw the nurse at her bedside...
"Hold this please!" She hollered to me.
Evalette's central line had broke and saline solution was spraying everywhere.
It had sprayed her in the face and awake her from her deep sleep.
It had scared her half to death.
We clamped it and called in the IV team to repair it.
In the hour that it took the IV team come up to our rescue,
we ate crackers, rocked, and played peek-a-boo.
After a 20 min "surgery",
which consisted of superglue and a new sheath,
we were set.
1 hour and half later at 2:30 am, we had a new line,
a new dressing, and scissors from the surgery as souvenirs
(your welcome grandpa...we are told they are great for fishing).
What a night.
What an adventure.

Today is a continuation of that adventure.
We are set to go home, but now her lines aren't drawing back.
Simply put, they can flush saline through them,
but when they try to draw blood return back,
nothing comes.
It could be a blood clot, a flap of skin, who knows.
So we have tried some meds to break it up, but it hasn't worked yet.
We can't go until it does because we can't finish today's chemo until it works.
We are hoping to get out of here by 6 pm.
Then home health will be at our door at 8.
We are all set with 7 sets of meds,
two of which I will be giving to her through her line (IV).
One once a day for an hour and another every 8 hours
(4 am, 12 pm, and 8 pm).
Not to mention cap changes, dressing changes, and flushing the lines.
But I am not worried.
Anything to get my baby home.
We have an outpatient appointment at 1 pm on Monday for her Erawina shot.
We will find out more about the scheduling of the second induction then.
Right now, I am just praying that her lines start functioning right so we can go home!!

1 comment:

  1. That doesn't sound fun at all! You (and Evalette) are troopers!
