


This is our family's journey- the story of our daughter's fight with cancer. Along the way, we will have some tears, lots of love, and even more prayers going up to heaven. We know that our Heavenly Father is aware of us. We know that he will help us fight, fill our hearts with peace, and send angels to give us aid. We send praise to HIM. Join us in this battle. This battle of courage, determination, and most of all faith in God that all is well and will be well.
This is where I will record my feelings- raw, real, and unfiltered. Welcome all.
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Friday, July 12, 2013

A Quick Update...

Life has been busy.
Lets just say that.
So much has happened.
A trip to Idaho.
So much fun.
Cousins, food, games, and more cousins.
Smiles, giggles, laughter, and late nights.
Oh the fun we had.
 Me--...10 year class reunion.
I still feel 18, but so old at the same time.
Fun seeing friends.
It was as if we had never been apart.
Good times.
Exciting news,
but that is a post in and of its self.
Soon I 'll share.
Then Phase 3 started on July 2nd.
Evalette had an outpatient appointment on Tuesday
and then on Thursday, July 4th was admitted for a couple days of chemo.
Wednesday night, her central line broke.
Thank goodness, we were staying in Salt Lake at the Ronald McDonald House.
That saved us a long drive.
My parents had the boys come be with them in Idaho for the holiday.
The boys needed no convincing.
Idaho is their home away from Idaho.
Jarom would stay there forever.
And how Lance loves his grandpa and the motorcycles.
And Tyrell loves the chickens and climbing trees.
Needless to say, they didn't miss mommy and daddy much.
That made me happy.
They needed a good time away.
Evalette got through her chemo with flying colors like usual.
James and I spent the days at the hospital with her and
then we slept at the Ronald McDonald house at night.
It was hard the first night I left her.
But she never even knew I was gone.
She was asleep from 8 pm until 9 am every morning.
What a girl!
And I got a full nights rest!!
Oh heaven!
James and I got to watch the fourth of July fireworks from the hospital roof.
You could see all the firework shows throughout Salt Lake Valley.
It was cool.
We were released Saturday.
Tuesday was outpatient again.
More chemo...just a quick push.
Then I picked up the boys from my mom in Brigham City.
How I missed those crazies.
And how Evalette missed her noisy, ever loving brothers.
So good to have them back.
Thursday night, we found out that Evalette's counts are at 0.
She developed a fever overnight and I took her to Primary's this morning at 5:30 am.
She got started on antibiotics and hasn't had a fever since this morning.
Oh how I love hate this hospital.
Everyone knows us too well here...
that can't be good.
Word is that we could maybe go home tomorrow as long as she doesn't have a fever for over 24 hours
we could be here until next Friday or so....
waiting for her counts to recover.
Oh sigh.
I am trying to be patient.
I am trying to let go.
I am trying to breath.
I am here.
My family is there.
Oh sigh again.
This stinks.
But I do know that I am grateful,
that Evalette is responding well.
She is still eating...a ton
and still peeing and pooping
and sleeping super well.
Life is still good.
We are still well.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.
Your strength helps gets us through!

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